Frequently asked questions
I’m a coach of a team, how does a team camp work and what do we get?
We try to make it as easy as possible for you to have a team camp.
$95/day per runner. Coaches and chaperones are free.
Minimum of 20-25 registered runners preferred to get an exclusive team camp.
We realize that coordinating a big camp on your own can be a big undertaking!
We want to help!
All we need from you is the dates (no deposit is needed) and then you forwarding communication initially to the runners/parents about the website/signup. You can decide how many days fits for your team (2, 3 or 4 day camps). - subject to availability.
Once the dates have been confirmed with Bridge 23, then we update the website with the # of camp days, cost and your school logo (so parents know they are selecting the right camp).
We then send you a customized brochure, a Facebook event link and the website registration instructions that you can forward to your runners/parents.
Parents then can register their kid on the www.bridge23.com website and pay for the registration via credit card/PayPal. No deposit is needed from the school or the coach. No money needs to be exchanged/go through the school and no fundraising is needed if you get each parent to pay for their kid.
We also send you periodic updates on who has registered for the camp, as we encourage early registration so we can order shirts.
We take care of the food, snacks, drinks, lodging, speakers/topics, camp schedule, activities and everything in between. We can discuss food options before you arrive at camp. You just need to find a way to/from the camp!
Also know there will be other fun surprises! Maybe even a custom logo’d school dri-fit running shirt if you are lucky and can get your kids registered early!
What does the camp schedule look like?
The camp schedule can be totally flexible and customized by the coach if they are booking an exclusive camp experience. Here is a sample of what the camp schedule could look like:
Sample 2-day camp schedule
Day 1
9:00ish Team check in / arrival / unpack / welcome
10:00 Short team run (shake out run)
10:30 Showers / free time
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Running topics / guest speakers
2:00 Free time
4:00 Workout
5:00 Showers
5:30 Supper
6:00 Free time / team building activities
8:30 Firepit / s'mores
9:00 Running movie / free time
11:00 Lights out
Day 2
6:45 Wake up
7:15 Workout / drills
8:30 Breakfast / showers / free time
10:30 Running topics / guest speakers
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Free time / team building
3:00 Optional workout / cross training / ice cream social?
4:00 Shower / Strip beds, clean rooms, pack up bags
5:00ish Team check out
Sample 3 or 4-day camp schedule
Day 1
9:00ish Check in / arrival / welcome
10:00 Short run (shake out run)
10:30 Showers / free time
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Running topics / guest speakers
2:00 Free time
4:00 Workout
5:00 Showers
5:30 Supper
6:00 Free time / team building activities
9:00 Running movie / free time
11:00 Lights out
Day 2/3
6:45 Wake up
7:15 Workout / drills
8:30 Breakfast / showers / free time
11:00 Running topics / guest speakers
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Free time / team building
3:00 Optional workout / cross training
4:00 Showers / free time
5:30 Supper
6:00 Free time / team building activities / speakers
8:30 Firepit / s’mores (1st night), karaoke/dance party night (2nd night), or free time
11:00 Lights out
Day 3/4
6:45 Wake up
7:15 Workout / drills
8:30 Breakfast / showers / free time
10:30 Running topics / guest speakers
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Free time / team building
3:00 Optional workout / cross training / ice cream social?
4:00 Shower / Strip beds, clean rooms, pack up bags
5:00ish Check out
What are the accommodations?
The main lodge has 8 rooms that are setup in a bunk bed format. Most rooms have between 3-8 people, based off the size of the room. There is also lots of room for overflow outdoor camping if needed. Large tents will be provided or kids can bring your own.
Can the team camp be co-ed?
Absolutely! In fact, most of our camps are co-ed. We have options to keep the boys and girls separated into different areas of the lodge or in even different buildings. We also have an option to have overflow outside camping for the boys or the girls.
We have kids that can’t afford a running camp. What are our options to making sure they can be part of the team experience?
We absolutely don’t want some of your kids to miss out on the team experience because of cost. Some teams get boosters to pay or register the kids on the website. Some schools do fundraising to pay for those kids. However, if you have secured a team camp experience and cannot find funding for those kids, please contact us to see if we can work out an arrangement so they can be part of the team.
I am a coach and am interested in checking out a day of your camp. Is that an option?
For sure! Please contact us to set up a day/time to visit us during one of the team or individual camps.
I am a coach and don’t have an exclusive camp experience, but have a handful of kids that want to come to your camp. Can I come along?
Very much encouraged! It is a way to see what the camp is all about, check out the property, run with your kids and maybe scout it out as a future team camp. Please contact us to line up details. If staying for multiple days, we may ask if you want to talk about your program or even speak on a topic of your choice in exchange for the overnight stays and meals.
What are the steps to register on the website? What are the payment options?
1. Go to www.bridge23.com
2. Click on the BOOK ONLINE tab or the BOOK NOW button (both will take you to the same screen)
3. Use the forward arrows to get to the right month (June, July or August), then select the first day of the camp on the calendar.
4. Click one of the selected times (doesn’t matter which time), then click NEXT.
5. Input runner info (name, runner email, phone number, contact info, allergy info, etc), then click PAY NOW.
6. Can pay via credit card or PayPal. Once completed, the runner (1st email entered) should receive a booking confirmation email. If not, please contact us and we can email you the confirmation.
I’m a runner, what is included in with my camp registration?
- Lodging, bathroom and showering facilities
- All of your food, snacks and drinks
- All of the onsite activities such as: full court basketball, soccer, biking, fishing (5 acre stocked pond), kayaking, canoeing, ladder ball, bag toss, badminton, pool tables, ping pong tables, dart boards, board/card games, minute to win it games, scavenger hunts, whiffle ball, sharks and minnows, etc
- Additional things like: DJ and karaoke night, fire pit with s’mores, ice cream social
- All of the coach and athlete speakers and running education at the camp
What can I expect at camp?
Run in the morning, optional 2nd workout in the afternoon, speaker or running education for part of the day, team building activities, some game competitions and some free time to enjoy the property and activities!
What do I need to bring to camp?
- Waiver/release form – will email before camp
- Workout clothes – shorts, shirts, socks
- Running shoes
- Watch
- Swimsuit
- Toiletries
- Notebook/pen for notes
- Maybe even an extra towel
- Note: we will provide all the sheets, blankets, pillows and towels at the camp, but feel free to bring your own twin sheets or sleeping bag if you want.
I am interested in becoming a sponsor or partner of your camp. What kind of things can we sponsor?
Donations of food, drinks, snacks, running clothing, running products and even spikes/shoes are all awesome!
Retail discounts are also very welcomed!
What do we get by being a sponsor of the camp?
Significant sponsors will get their logo posted on our website and also in our camp manual we hand out to all the runners. Also if you have products that are donated, you will get free marketing to our younger runners.
Our sponsors are so important to us. Thank you for partnering with us.